Wednesday 27 March 2013

Stuff With Pharmaceuticals You Might Want To Be Informed With

Hootan Melamed

We commonly call them medicine but in the world of professionals, these are called pharmaceutical drugs. By definition, these are chemical substances that are used for treatment, diagnosis, prophylaxis and cure of a particular disease. The word pharmaceutical is coming from the word Pharmakeia or modernly called pharmacia. Visit this site for more.

There are some classifications of these drugs. They are varied depending on the use or treatments. They are readily available in the market as well as medical shops or what we call over the counter drugs. There are those that can’t be bought unless prescribed by the doctor so it’s always important to keep it in mind. One thing you should consider is the right time and the right quantity of medicines. In general, there are only two categories of Pharma drugs and these are the following.

First type is called the Prescription Drugs. These are medicines that are licensed and aren’t available in the pharmaceutical stores without doctor’s prescription. These are also well regulated by law or the government. There’s usually an “Rx” sign for every prescription drugs. Some of the most important prescription drugs are: Anti-convulsion drugs, Anti-itch drugs, Anti-fungal drugs, Anti-viral, Anti-diabetic, Anti-asthmatic, Anti-psychotic, Muscle relaxation drugs, Anti gastro esophageal reflux drugs, Anti-malarial, Infertility drugs, Decongestants, Bone-disorder drugs, Penicillin and Laxatives.

Hootan MelamedSecond type is the non-prescription drugs. These are drugs that can be sold or bought without the need for doctor’s prescription. These are also known as over the counter or OTC drugs. These medicines are allowed to be sold directly to the customers. These are also usually regulated by Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients or API. Example of Non Prescription drugs are: Antiseptics, Analgesics, Aspirin, Cough Syrups, Cough Suppressants, Antacids and Acid Reducer, Anti-gas, Anticandial, Anti-fungal, Cold Sore or Fever Blister, First Aid Supplies, Smoking Cessation, Sleep Aids Drugs.

Then there’s what we call pharmaceutical formulations. It’s a process by which a medicine or product is produced through combination of various chemicals and active drugs. Formulation is usually involved with the complete process of the development of the drug until its final taking by the patient. Pharmaceutical formulations usually include the study of factors that are very much important like pH, particle size, solubility and polymorphism.

The finished products can also be classified depending on how they are being used especially through mouth and skin. Thus, these are classified as: tablets, capsules, injections, ointments, syrups, birth controls and vaccines.

Before taking a medicine, it’s important that you know what you are taking, in what form etc. It’s the only to make sure that you are safe and is taking the right step. Always rely on the trusted ones in having your drugs ordered. Hootan Melamed is one of those capable of helping you in everything you need when it comes to drugs and other pharmaceutical needs.

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